Tuesday, May 18, 2010

we're outta here!

family dog in 1930Please visit our new blog on our very own domain name, cookieandkate.com!

See you there...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

dabbling in macro photography

I feel like I've hit the jackpot, or won the lottery, or both. I researched macro photography equipment last week and discovered...

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ethereal macro succulent photo
You call it out of focus, I call it ethereal. Tomato, tomahto.
close-up succulent photo
Getting clearer... can you tell what it is?
green succulent photo
Alright... it's a succulent. I don't know what kind.

close-up succulent
I had no idea this succulent had such prickly edges!
tomato macro photo
Sparkly tomato!

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Houseplant Highlight: Monstera Deliciosa

I'm currently enamored with the concept of decorating with large tropical leaves and stem cuttings. When I was in Asheville, North Carolina in March, I admired a large philodendron selloum leaf...

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tropical cutting as decor
Photo of India Hicks' home from the pages of Domino (via Coco + Kelley)

monstera deliciosa as bedroom accent
Stylist Deb McClean adds greenery to a bedroom with some plant cuttings (via Desire to Inspire)

philodendron in Crate and Barrel vase
From Crate and Barrel's Spring 2010 catalogue

plants as living room decoration
Living room designed by Ashe + Leandro (via Coco + Kelley)

This weekend, I stopped at my favorite local flower shop, Birdie, and picked out a "split leaf philodendron". I did some research and learned that the plant isn't actually a philodendron but a close relative to the genus, so the common name is a bit misleading. My plant's scientific name is monstera deliciosa, which is, without a doubt, the coolest plant name I've ever heard.

 Here's my new plant:
my new split leaf philodendron plant

tropical leaf interior design
Pretty cool, right? Here's a close-up:
monstera deliciosa in vase
What do you think? Do you have any cuttings decorating your place?

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Monday, April 26, 2010

globally minded

Perhaps it's because I haven't had my passport stamped in so long, but I'm fiending for some global decor. As in globes and world maps...

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Apartment Therapy globes
AT Roundup: Globes in Homes

vintage globe for sale
High Street Market's 1970s vintage globe

CB2 one of a find map
CB2 one of a find world map painting

CB2 one of a find map 2

Have you incorporated any globes into your design schemes?

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During our weekend walks, Cookie and I couldn't help but mourn the end of tulip season. Their colorful lollipop tops are gone, save for a few beat-up looking stragglers that are fighting a losing battle against the brutal Oklahoma winds...

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pink tulips at sunset

Some spectacular photos of Dutch tulip fields have circulated through the inboxes at my office, and I just have to share these from the Daily Mail:

Dutch tulip fieldDutch tulip field 2Dutch tulip field 3

Aren't the fields magnificent? The tulip fields look like modern rugs, with bold color blocks in warm hues, like Paul Smith's Stripe rug from The Rug Company:

Paul Smith striped rug

botanical print of semper augustus tulip
 A Semper Augustus tulip, the most prized tulip for its unique candy-cane like stripes.

There you have it: more than you've ever wanted to know about tulips!

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy birthday, Cookie! and a Happy Earth Day to all.

I'm not one to pay attention to dates, but I realized this morning that today is not only Earth Day, but also Cookie's second birthday! Alleged birthday, that is...

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If only Cookie would tolerate head wear, I'd make her a party hat inspired by this one:

turtle wearing birthday hatRupert the Turtle's third birthday, hat design by yours truly.

turtle wearing top hatOr maybe a beret à la mode de Rupert's top hat, comme-çi.

dog wearing french maid hatUnfortunately, she's not a fan. Look at those eyes. 100% pure misery.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring at last!

I emerged from this painfully frigid winter a grumpy, lumpy woman, pale and starved for sunshine...

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bird silhouette in flowering tree
Cookie would totally try to catch (and destroy) this bird. "Try" being the key word.

new leaves on tree
This tree looks like Maleficent's dragon on Sleeping Beauty... Do you see her?

flowering branch at sunset
Mmmm, sunsets.

spring blossoms on flowering tree
It's not every day that you see blossoms sprouting out of a tree limb.

yellow and pink tulips
More on tulips soon.

yellow flowering vine on gate

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Hello, my name is _______________

(Please note that this blog has officially moved to to our new blog, cookieandkate.com! We hope to see you at our new home!)

Kate. Truthfully, it's Kathryne, but I decided "Cookie and Kate" has a nice ring to it, like cookies and cream. Plus, I prefer the anonymity that comes along with using one of my many nick-names rather than my own first name. So hello, my name is Kate.

I'm writing this post from a couch in my light-filled second floor apartment, which overlooks green trees covered in fledgling leaves and the rooftops of historic homes in Norman, Oklahoma. I live here with a silly litte gray-and-black spotted dog named Cookie. Cookie is an ornery little girl who wouldn't get away with everything if it weren't for her floppy, mismatched ears, big brown eyes and funny raccoon-striped tail, which is going thump-thump-thump against the cushions. Hello, Cookie.

I'm attempting to make some ch-ch-changes in my life, and I'm trying to set my priorities straight: to spend time doing what I love, and to let go of the rest. Easier said than done, but hell, I'm trying.

My hope is for this blog to help me reconnect with two of my long-lost loves, writing and photography. My second goal is to discover the underlying themes in my latest interests and to share what I've learned with you*, because I don't want to hoard all the good stuff for myself. I do hope you'll join me as I explore photography, design, nutrition, plant appreciation, bicycles and whatever else tickles my fancy. Enjoy!

Here's my Cookie on Monday:

cute dog on bed

*Hi Mom

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